Bang in the land of Bavaria? Justice Victims supporters Klaus Stölzel near Fuerth / Bavaria arrested!

By behoerdenstress13


On 08/09/2015, gg. 09:30 clock the supporters of justice victims, Klaus Stölzel was arrested in his house in Fürth / Bavaria of several SEC officials! According to his wife, the arrest operation described as follows! Against 09:30 clock there were my husband Klaus K. and I on the ground floor of our house and it broke someone in a rush on our doorstep and suddenly stood several officers disguised (probably SEK) in our dining room armed with submachine guns and arrested St. Klaus at the table sitting! He was a copied arrest of several pages was strongly presented, in which no signature was present!
This warrant was gg to the hearing on 20.7.2015 due to not appear. Klaus St. etc. issued by an Internet entry for libel, slander! While my husband was dressed I looked out the window and noted that further officials probably SEK) had surrounded our house!
I as a wife (still am by the wind) ask myself whether this arrest with such an embodiment, necessary and proportionate was and still is on the alleged fact?
Why was my husband the original arrest warrant not shown after he was arrested?
Why the arrest took place only now, although my husband after 20.7.2015 (was issued warrant) rain correspondence with the judicial authorities carried out and he had repeatedly notified in writing its reasons the court (why he has not appeared in court)?
He always got an answer from the judicial authority!
More information to follow!

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: Bang in the land of Bavaria? Justice Victims supporters Klaus Stölzel near Fuerth / Bavaria arrested!