Petition: Justice and freedom of Michael Perez !!!! Victims of justice and psychiatry!

By behoerdenstress13

Screenshot (1239) Michael Perez

Petition addressed to Regional Court Mainz, and 3 more
Justice and freedom of Michael Perez !!!! Victims of justice and psychiatry.

Fear for my brother’s life
My brother Michael is a victim of justice and psychiatry. He is now 7 years in the closed psychiatry and recently another year it was decided arbitrarily. He was sentenced in 2008 for an attempted grievous bodily harm to 9 months imprisonment and placement in forensic according to § 63rd

In the qualifying offense, it revolves around a punch. The victim had no permanent damage or any other consequences, according to this act. Michael has admitted the punch immediately and also it knew was wrong, but supposing him to have threatened with a sharp object. He still says today that he never had an item and it has never seen, but mistakenly regarded as proven.

She was diagnosed in the former report a cannabis psychosis and personality disorder and let him instruct specialist clinic in Alzey in Rheinhessen. There he was placed from the outset under very strong antipsychotic. We did not know then what this has to mean anything and what it means for Michael to be convicted under § 63rd

Initially, it was the impression of a positive therapy course awaken. While he was at every visit, quite spaced out and seemed very dazed and physically bloated, but he got little by little, more and more relaxations. We were skeptical and even then have been looking for the medicines on the Internet, but thought still, it will be all right after all, there is a clinic.

So it happened that he got more and more freedoms, but also increasingly higher doses of medication. He was allowed to leave the premises at the weekend home and also a week for several hours. It looked very good. He has changed really, has become self-employed work needed at a road construction company. Doctors in Alzey were not therefore thrilled that he wanted to work in one of its workshops for the disabled because he was working for in the primary labor market is not smart enough. But to him, it’s fun. He came up with the people and super clear was able to prove here, that he can do it yet. Actually, he was ready, he only had to look for an apartment itself.

But insofar as it never came! In Summer 2013 the call came, they had to revert to stage 1 of the therapy because he was allegedly involved in financial transactions and receiving stolen Michael. All relaxations were invariably painted. We could not imagine the best of intentions, is what he did to deserve to this measure. We no longer understand the world and were allowed to talk to him not for the time being. It later turned out that he just wanted to sell a hard drive to a work colleague. Michael was doing no secret of it, because for him it was not an offense. But it has allegedly violated the house rules of the hospital.

It was clear, Michael asked the dose of medication to reduce because it is not clear which came even in the summer with the high dose just -and- on the road. The neuroleptics have made him drowsy and weak almost immediately after ingestion. You will then have even taken him to work, so that even the company has turned a lawyer. But it just bounces off everything at this stupid system. So they have made in fully finished. He took off his medication.

From here on, the torture began. The first thing that has also driven me to investigate, was when he appeared totally dirty and unwashed when visiting. He is a man who puts on his scary value neat appearance. He tells us they gave him for a week no toothbrush, no washing stuff, no new clothes or other and do not let him take a shower, as punishment for a messy room. I knew something like that could not be right, but I knew not where I needed to fix. From this moment the torture did not stop.

He was fixed there all sorts of reasons and that several times and for long periods. But at the last fixing in Alzey he was beaten by the security service with telescopic batons on the floor and then strapped to the bed. Of this he suffered 4 broken ribs. Fixation went for 5 weeks, in which he was neither washed nor have they moved him, as he had to be lying down toilet need do and was not wiped off here again.

He was then in the fixed state, transported without any information to the lawyer or the supervisor, to Andernach. That was the beginning of 2014, since it is there and here the torture continues. You want to take more force him neuroleptics, they provoke him, treating him not like other. They want it pops and you have a reason to administer forced medication. You can not break him, because Michael is all-and still is available each morning on again.

We had and still have every day afraid that a call comes in and what he has done to him or what was done. At me intensely I started to deal with it, opened a Facebook group and wrote to Ms Eva Panning, because only her book got me to question seriously and help him want to. They encouraged me that something must be done and supported me.

In Andernach you now filed a motion for forced medication because Michael continues to refuse to take this poison. They managed situations that should make him lose it and provoked and harassed him. Through the help of Ms. pivot and support in the group, we were able to prevent this, however. Similarly, the hospital became aware of me, and also to his supporters who have made it possible through constant call in the hospital that we learned of a renewed isolation and fixation, and he was allowed to sign at least a day so that was not called. But then she threatened him that he should let me know move to quit or silence, or else I could possibly happen what. He tried it and made me on the phone persistently clear me to stop, be happy, to live my life, he can handle it alone. I continued …

So it happened that the date for the annual consultation -wohlbemerkt too late Chamber and also an appraiser has been appointed, and discounts for 10 months late. The report was a lie and a joke in itself. A 5-sided copy of the opinion from the hospital and no diagnosis. Along with Doris Neuberger I wrote an opinion on the matter, with which we were able to refute the opinion clearly.

The hearing itself was much more positive than expected. The expert could not confirm a psychosis, nor utter a threat to violence, because he has no one touched for 7 years in the clinic and in the free-roaming status. His former boss would hire him immediately, so we had high hopes. The statement of the appraiser was just that he could not rule Yes, that Michael will hit someone. Due to its size, one could fear that he strikes. (Quote appraiser)

The decision came later instead of 3, 5 weeks. With this, the negative message, they have extended the forensic again for another year, although no request had been given for it. You have referred to the hearing with nothing, only the qualifying offense and everything before it. Statement of Decision was, he must take neuroleptics, so that you can treat him … .Although he has no psychosis or similar. They wanted to not let him get out without neuroleptics, because that would prove that you have 7 years tortured arbitrarily, tortured and tormented. You can not break him, and therefore they resort to daily worse methods.

But how long is this going to go as long as he can still endure or how long it takes until worse happens. He’s not a bad person, he is a young man who never had the chance to live their dreams. He wants to just go to work, come home, maybe someday start a family, but all that is denied. For us as a family, it is the worst thing that we can not really help him despair My parents wish for your child to safety. He is half Spanish and also looks, it also comes here to disadvantages.

What needs to happen because that all wake up, how many still have children, siblings or husband and wife, losing in this way? In this country, people are tortured, tormented, tortured and broken and in front of everyone, legalized by laws like the § 63, which does not have to abide by the human rights. Because what happens behind the walls of psychiatry, no one questions, generally it is considered a taboo subject. But for all the members of a similar fate are: forget your shame and your concerns, goes public, informed you.

Any shame that you feel, is nothing compared to what patients have to experience in psychiatry. We need to stop being hypocritical and stand up for our loved ones, that’s why I stand here today and have hired all the shame behind. I want the world to know what they did with Michael, and still do, with impunity before the eyes of the public.

Purpose of the petition:

Please help me and support me in it, finally to bring Michael back home. I urge the regional court Koblenz, Koblenz Court and the State Office on this, Michael finally released into freedom, it comes from no danger from him, as it has confirmed itself the appraiser.

Through this arbitrary decision, him one more year is more genonmen from his life.

He should take neuroleptics, or he does not come out ….. What does that have to do with therapy? I beg you, help me to try this torture to end for him.

Reasons why I think that Michael Perez is discharged from the Forensic Psychiatric

1. I am sure that from Him no hazard exists, so it is not dangerous for his fellow man, or himself because.:

a. He has often demonstrated in his day release time, that he can come home, even for a whole weekend, without getting into any conflict, neither the family nor with the people from the village in which he in himself this time moving freely and often walks with the dog through the village.

b. He does this, quite proved also in working life, it also came here to any conflict, neither with colleagues and superiors, nor with passers any kind.

2. I am also firmly convinced that he wants to take neither drugs nor alcohol.

a. There was no consumption of these, generally in the day release time, or during the last 7 years.

b. Has he recently proved that he no longer wants it. As we have done in a chocolate package by mistake, it contained alcohol. The hospital staff, this is just as little noticed as us, Michael, however, has unpacked it and apparently it smelled of alcohol, he has looked at the ingredients and then leave it at the station. If he had wanted, he could have eaten this well.

3. He may or dismissed, almost immediately, his job on the road, resume. His former boss, this would even be welcomed, since it as an employee appreciates him.

4. He has indeed social skills, which he has also asked repeatedly demonstrated.

a. In the daily work, what work testimonials show multiple

b. also the people around him can confirm this.

c. Despite the constant conflicts with the hospital staff / doctors he is always helpful and there even pave the yard.

5. His social reception area is well protected.

a. Through his family, which is completely behind him

b. His supervisor, who is also, still willing to support him

c. To support and assist a large group of people who found him together

d. His former boss, also offers to assist him and to make him even an apartment available.

but e. Living he could with my parents, my sister or me until he found his own apartment.

6. In conclusion, I am of the opinion that his act is disproportionate to the duration of the placement and you should give him the opportunity finally to lead a life as it does every one of us and it is entitled to every person. He is well aware of what it means, it should use force. He had to lose as early as 7 years of his life and it is now his right to finally end this. He should have a chance to work, to find a wife and possibly to start a family. Likewise, he should have the opportunity to finally see the new family members, United cousins ​​and second cousins. He has a right to live, surrounded by his family, who appreciates him, supported and loved.

Regional Court Mainz,
Regional Court Koblenz
Oberlandesgericht Koblenz
and 1 more
Joachim Mertes Landtag of Rhineland-Palatinate
Justice and freedom of Michael Perez !!!! Victims of justice and psychiatry.

Link to the petition:

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: Petition: Justice and freedom of Michael Perez !!!! Victims of justice and psychiatry!